Posts in travel

A pony outside Everest Base Camp.

Day 210

Everest Base Camp, Sagarmatha, Nepal. Wednesday 13th March 2024. Dried yak poo, paraffin, and a rusty iron stove. Our host lifts the lid and uses a torch to check the stove’s[…]

Nepalese prayer flags and snowy mountains.

Day 189

Kyanjing Gumba, Nepal. Wednesday 21st February 2024. As the weather broke, distant mountains appeared on all sides, capped with snow and streaked with white clouds that brushed their flanks swiftly. We[…]

Guest house tea room

Day 187

Langtang, Nepal. Monday 19th February 2024. At dusk the tea room is warm against the growing chill outside and filled with the calm energy of groups of people who have exerted[…]

Watching the Taj in fog

Day 140

Agra, Mumbai. Wednesday 3rd January 2023. Jammy dodger paste fills my teeth, I sip Sprite to wash it away. Lying in bed, I wonder when the next filling will be required.[…]

Jaipur skyline

Day 137

India, Jaipur. Sunday 31st December 2023. Up on the roof of our Jaipur hotel, the afternoon sun slides towards a bustling skyline. It’s hypnotic, my eyes skip from building to building,[…]

Traffic in Mumbai

Day 125

India, Mumbai. Tuesday 19th December 2023. The language of beeps and honks. A series of short beeps is a scooter coming through. A single beep is a taxi saying, I’m here.[…]

Airplane wing

Day 118

India, Mumbai. Tuesday 12th December 2023. A group of children giggle and squeak as they play and run around the airport lounge. How do they have so much energy? Midnight approaches[…]

Truckers in port.

Day 114

Greece, Patras. Friday 8th December. The truckers stand in line and wait for food on the ferry to Venice. A huge number of truckers use this ferry, I watched the dozens[…]

Psihogios Tires, TT Hero

Day 103

Greece, Ano Liosia. Monday 27th November. My blood sugars have been poor and I’ve needed additional insulin. Consistent high blood sugars make my body slow, my mouth dry, and eyes dull.[…]

Africa Twins line up.

Day 102

Greece, Lamia. Sunday 26th November. The clouds are milky blue with crowns of sunlit white, from the horizon of undulating hillocks, they look like a solid structure that you can simply[…]