Day 210
Everest Base Camp, Sagarmatha, Nepal. Wednesday 13th March 2024. Dried yak poo, paraffin, and a rusty iron stove. Our[…]

Day 189
Kyanjing Gumba, Nepal. Wednesday 21st February 2024. As the weather broke, distant mountains appeared on all sides, capped with[…]

Day 187
Langtang, Nepal. Monday 19th February 2024. At dusk the tea room is warm against the growing chill outside and[…]

Day 140
Agra, Mumbai. Wednesday 3rd January 2023. Jammy dodger paste fills my teeth, I sip Sprite to wash it away.[…]

Day 137
India, Jaipur. Sunday 31st December 2023. Up on the roof of our Jaipur hotel, the afternoon sun slides towards[…]

Day 125
India, Mumbai. Tuesday 19th December 2023. The language of beeps and honks. A series of short beeps is a[…]